Samsung Flow

Samsung Flow

巧妙的技巧可为您无缝连接Galaxy TabPro S(PC)和Galaxy Smartphone提供神奇的体验。您可以通过轻按解锁的Galaxy智能手机并扫描指纹来轻松解锁PC。您还可以轻松地启用移动热点,以保持PC的连接状态,并直接检查并回复手机的通知。


Android版Samsung Flow的替代品

KDE Connect

KDE Connect

KDE Con​​nect是一个旨在与您的所有设备进行通信的项目。
Samsung SideSync

Samsung SideSync

Web PC Suite - File Transfer

Web PC Suite - File Transfer

androidWeb PC Suite, the terminator of USB cable, is always your best wireless file transfer app.No matter where you are, file transfer between Android and PC can be done wirelessly and freely.